Yoga must have heard about Yoga Nidhra too. It is a relaxation technique practiced at the fag end of the session , that is , after practicing yoga Asanas and Pranayama.
It is a powerful tool to make the Body and Mind relax. Matter of 10 minutes is sufficient to get the
body and mind relaxed. It can very well
be extended up to 30 minutes .
Practice of yoga Nidhra should
be followed after practicing Yoga Asanas:
Yoga Asana without Yoga Nidhra
is considered invalid.
During yoga Nidhra, both in the beginning
and at the end, you will be asked to take a Resolution which is expected to
come true in one’s Life.
You will be asked to keep all your sense
organs except the hearing faculty, inactive.
The sub-conscious mind become alert.
In this relaxed state of mind and body,
the Breathing too becomes very rhythmical, serene and deep. In this situation, if you take a resolution
which you want to achieve in your Life, it will definitely come true.
Ardent desires are so powerful that it
will come true one day or another.
We have seen, in our Yoga session, many
people expressing their happiness for their resolution coming
true/materialising. Even, Impossible
become possible!!
You have to take the same resolution
every day until you get it materialized.
It is similar to that of your belief in God. It may take a month too to get achieved and
it depends on the type of your resolution.
You must not analyse or intellectualise these
things during Yoga Nidhra, for it will disturb your mental relaxation and it
will delay your success.
Become an achiever and
practice regularly yoga asanas and yoga Nidhra too!!
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