A Human Body consists of about 206 Bones, not counting the smaller ones. Growth is influenced by many factors which includes Genetic Factors, the Climatic conditions, the availability of Balanced Diet, Games including running, jumping etc.
In a well built Body, to sustain the Health, we keep practicing certain physical exercises and other fitness pro grammes.
Intake of Sugar that too in a larger quantity destroys the Bones. Cartilage Tissue in between the bone joints are heavily damaged. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis- like diseases easily crop up.
Sugar is a highly acidifying food and obviously calcium excretion in the Urine will be more.
Next concern is about Cortisol Level, Excess in take of sugar increases cortisol level. stress in a person increases the cortisol level but sugar too adds to it.
By Sugar I mean processed and refined SUGAR only.
Fruits possess natural Sugar including fructose but also rich in fiber which slows down the release of the sugar molecules. Natural Honey has also high Medicinal value. So these are highly recommended. Jaggery too is recommended for it is made from raw concentrated sugarcane and rich in iron and it is unrefined. It helps in strengthening the bones.
Cissus quadrangularis-botanical name and also called Devil's backbone is an excellent bone builder. It can be consumed in the form of Chutney.
Shri Sathya Sai Baba has also insisted in his preaching not to consume processed Sugar.
An Yogic way of preventing problems in Bones is '"SITTING IN VAJRAASANA'". I shall elaborately describe how to sit in vajrasana and for how long and benefits in another blog. But here, what made me write this blog is as follows. When I was travelling I saw many people from the age group of early forties walking in a pitiful manner[their pain in their joints is non-verbally communicated]. Also, sit at least for half an hour to one hour on the floor with folded legs on the floor[suhasan] and avoid sitting always in sophas and Chairs. Once you get affected from joint problems you will be unable to sit either in Suhasana or Vajrasana.
So, Prevention is Better than Cure.
Have concern over your inner body rather than your outer Look.
Live Happily and Let live others Happily too.
A Human Body consists of about 206 Bones, not counting the smaller ones. Growth is influenced by many factors which includes Genetic Factors, the Climatic conditions, the availability of Balanced Diet, Games including running, jumping etc.
In a well built Body, to sustain the Health, we keep practicing certain physical exercises and other fitness pro grammes.
Intake of Sugar that too in a larger quantity destroys the Bones. Cartilage Tissue in between the bone joints are heavily damaged. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis- like diseases easily crop up.
Sugar is a highly acidifying food and obviously calcium excretion in the Urine will be more.
Next concern is about Cortisol Level, Excess in take of sugar increases cortisol level. stress in a person increases the cortisol level but sugar too adds to it.
By Sugar I mean processed and refined SUGAR only.
Fruits possess natural Sugar including fructose but also rich in fiber which slows down the release of the sugar molecules. Natural Honey has also high Medicinal value. So these are highly recommended. Jaggery too is recommended for it is made from raw concentrated sugarcane and rich in iron and it is unrefined. It helps in strengthening the bones.
Cissus quadrangularis-botanical name and also called Devil's backbone is an excellent bone builder. It can be consumed in the form of Chutney.
Shri Sathya Sai Baba has also insisted in his preaching not to consume processed Sugar.
An Yogic way of preventing problems in Bones is '"SITTING IN VAJRAASANA'". I shall elaborately describe how to sit in vajrasana and for how long and benefits in another blog. But here, what made me write this blog is as follows. When I was travelling I saw many people from the age group of early forties walking in a pitiful manner[their pain in their joints is non-verbally communicated]. Also, sit at least for half an hour to one hour on the floor with folded legs on the floor[suhasan] and avoid sitting always in sophas and Chairs. Once you get affected from joint problems you will be unable to sit either in Suhasana or Vajrasana.
So, Prevention is Better than Cure.
Have concern over your inner body rather than your outer Look.
Live Happily and Let live others Happily too.
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